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Opdrach: Hoe vullen we de leegstand in deze straat in?


Opdrachtgever: Sybtrus Achmea en Gemeente Roosendaal


Invulling: binnen 6 weken van leegstand naar Pop-Up Stores met locale ondernemers.




Creating Spaces In Only 6 Weeks: Pop-Up Store De POOS in Roosendaal How we successfully managed to work together with a small city in the Netherlands (Roosendaal) and the real estate owner creating pop-up spaces in only 6 weeks. Open the doors for young entrepreneurs who want to start a pop-up shop (or-restaurant). This was the message at the end of September this year during a meeting of entrepreneurial incubators of West-Brabant. Caroline de Jager was asked to give advise about how to manage temporary rental spaces in Roosendaal.



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